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BC VIEWS: Fake news and the blood system

BC VIEWS: Fake news and the blood system

Labour groups claim paid donations to supply plasma-derived drugs are a health hazard, but BC already uses them from the U.S.
BC VIEWS: Making health care ‘free’ again

BC VIEWS: Making health care ‘free’ again

Premier Christy Clark and Finance Minister Mike de Jong said MSP premiums send an important signal. Not any more
BC VIEWS: Zombie HST and other tax tales

BC VIEWS: Zombie HST and other tax tales

Could some version of the harmonized sales tax return to B.C.? If Christy Clark is re-elected, it's possible

North America losing competitive edge

By not addressing climate change, America and the Trump Government is costing us all, says Terrace B.C. writer.
Magical worlds don’t reflect reality

Magical worlds don’t reflect reality

P.T. Barnum once said, no one ever went broke under estimating the intelligence of people. Sad, but true, says northwest B.C. writer.

We can't let ourselves be defined by outsiders

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a decision that killed off the already mortally wounded Enbridge Northern Gateway Project.

Refugees' new life comes with challenges

I recently had coffee with one of Terrace’s Syrian refugees. He and his family waited in a refugee camp for four years before coming here

Big picture thinking needed for area's future

Would a shared council for Terrace, B.C. and Thornhill be a more efficient way to administer the common interests of both communities?

Businesses and people deserve recognition

Businesses give a lot to community initiatives in Terrace B.C. and some receive as high as seven or eight requests for local sponsorship.

You can't say he doesn't have sole

Buying shoes can be a terrifying experience for the unprepared