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Hype doesn’t help forest fire efforts

Hype doesn’t help forest fire efforts

Andrew Weaver’s climate change claim doesn’t match reality
Hype doesn’t help forest fire efforts

Hype doesn’t help forest fire efforts

Andrew Weaver’s climate change claim doesn’t match reality
Help from family can be a life-changer

Help from family can be a life-changer

Financial assistance at the right time deepens family ties
Ripple Rock 2

Ripple Rock 2

My new friend Lindy was taking me fishing. The prospect was exciting. There were no fish to be angled for Vancouver East, as far as I could tell, save for goldfish swimming in the pond of the old man two backyards east of mine. But that pond was closed to angling, as I learned with Donnie Cummings, who lived across the lane — and whose bright idea it was to try and snag those Koi with rods his dad used to fish salmon.
Char jokes about dream store

Char jokes about dream store

Here’s a store I’m thinking of opening, it will be called Closed. There will be a big sign in the window, preferably neon, saying, “Closed.” And so when a customer tries the door and finds it unlocked and comes in and says, “I thought you were closed!” I can say, “Yes.”
The conquest of rural B.C.

The conquest of rural B.C.

Urban environmentalists have occupied the NDP
Some day, Terrace just may need an ark

Some day, Terrace just may need an ark

Climate change around the world brings on rising waters
My valued Link to Standard readers

My valued Link to Standard readers

Columnists bids farewell with a hearty thanks to now-retired Terrace editor Rod Link

Skeena Angler: Ripple Rock

Terrace angler relays stories from the old fishing days
B.C.’s big money battle isn’t over yet

B.C.’s big money battle isn’t over yet

John Horgan, Christy Clark posture on poltical donations