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THE MOJ: Late September offers its usual cornucopia of great sports stories

THE MOJ: Late September offers its usual cornucopia of great sports stories

From Blais to the A’s and Manny Rugamba’s inspirational story
Privatization guarantees an end to the world

Privatization guarantees an end to the world

When Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher (both gone to that great libertarian paradise in the sky, thank God) bulled their way into political dominance in the early 1980’s, privatizing public enterprises was one of their immediate and recurrent
Health care fix not for the faint-hearted

Health care fix not for the faint-hearted

Emergency room closures, long waiting times, and a shortage of medical professionals are stubbornly growing problems. Blaming government leaders will not solve these problems. Healthcare is in a predicament in the true sense of the word.
Igniting my heart's check engine light

Igniting my heart's check engine light

Marisca goes from thinking she has to kill time, to wishing she had more
THE MOJ: Can the Canucks find what it takes from within themselves?

THE MOJ: Can the Canucks find what it takes from within themselves?

After taking a big step last year, the team focused on getting better
THE MOJ: Congratulations to my broadcast partner on a well-deserved honour

THE MOJ: Congratulations to my broadcast partner on a well-deserved honour

Lions colour man Giulio Caravatta set to be added to the B.C. Football Hall of Fame
THE MOJ: Quarterback question central to Lions quest navigate stretch drive

THE MOJ: Quarterback question central to Lions quest navigate stretch drive

Coach Rick Campbell will have to walk a delicate line with Rourke, Adams Jr. and his locker room
Will there be a place in Canada for them?

Will there be a place in Canada for them?

According to the Hebrew Old Testament, Yahweh promised the “land of milk and honey” to the descendants of Abraham. It was to be a place solely for Yahweh’s faithful.
Follow the leader game has no place in politics

Follow the leader game has no place in politics

For your latest column, could I suggest more of a bridge between the > promised tax cut and the withdrawal from the campaign? > Here is your original introductory paragraph and the one that follows.
THE MOJ: Lions roar despite Command performance that left a lot to be desired

THE MOJ: Lions roar despite Command performance that left a lot to be desired

Victoria seems to have returned wind to B.C.’s sails after another win over top Eastern club