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OPINION: 'Don't become the news' on your next hiking trip

OPINION: 'Don't become the news' on your next hiking trip

'I could see a million ways to die, and started to move down the hill carefully'
Happy birthday to the Ferris wheel

Happy birthday to the Ferris wheel

Exactly 131 years ago today the original Ferris wheel made its debut.

Keep your eye on the Skeena River

More than half a century ago I travelled with my father to visit relatives near Phoenix, Arizona. While there, we toured a cotton plantation that, at the time, was being watered from a huge underground aquifer.
The Old West: The Nicola Valley and the railroad that did not arrive

The Old West: The Nicola Valley and the railroad that did not arrive

A column by Bruce Uzelman
The Old West: The sinking of the SS Pacific – a 19th century tragedy

The Old West: The sinking of the SS Pacific – a 19th century tragedy

A column by Bruce Uzelman
WOLF: Hockey seems a little out of place in the summer

WOLF: Hockey seems a little out of place in the summer

COLUMN: Stanley Cup final should wrap up near the end of May
COMMEN-TERRY: This is not good-bye. This is ‘see you later.’

COMMEN-TERRY: This is not good-bye. This is ‘see you later.’

Waiting for surgery while I watch my cancer mass grow has been a strain on my mental health.
COLUMN: No, we don’t need to celebrate Straight Pride

COLUMN: No, we don’t need to celebrate Straight Pride

WOLF: Desperately seeking suggestions for sweet summer relaxation

WOLF: Desperately seeking suggestions for sweet summer relaxation

COLUMN: What’s your go-to stress reliever?
WOLF: Would you chew a piece of 32-year-old hockey card gum?

WOLF: Would you chew a piece of 32-year-old hockey card gum?

COLUMN: Reader sends in package that sparks nostalgic thoughts