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Shame on B.C. for funding Terrace bike shelters

Money could have done much more, says letter writer
To submit a letter to the editor, e-mail Include your first and last name or initials and a last name, and your city of residence. Letters will be edited.

To the editor,

Thank you Andre Carrel for your excellent article in the Nov. 3 newspaper.

READ MORE: At $223,650, are bike shelters a wise decision?

This is a terrible use of money and could have done so much more - for instance some of our sidewalks are a safety hazard. I am near the Library several times a week and have never seen a bike inside and it does not even look user friendly. Shame on the provincial government — how many more municipalities received this free money? I believe the city should have said NO to this money — this is NOT free money.

Vi Timmerman,

Terrace B.C.


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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