Take notice that Goldwedge Mines Inc. (300 – 1275 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6H 1A6) has filed with the Chief Inspector of Mines, pursuant to Part 10.2.1 of the Health and Safety Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia, a Joint Mines Act and Environmental Management Act Permit Application supporting a Bulk Sample of the Goldwedge Mine resource. The land upon which the facility is situated, is within Mining Lease 301579 (8.70 hectares), located approximately 70 km northwest of Stewart, British Columbia. The Major Mines Office of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation is leading an authorization review for the Bulk Sample on behalf of the Ministries of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, and is currently inviting public comments about the Bulk Sample related to the following authorization(s):
- Authorization: Mines Act Permit MX-1-935; Issued, September 16, 2014. Last Amended: July 31, 2023, and;
- Authorization: Environmental Management Act Permit 109355; Issued, December 2, 2019.
The Bulk Sample includes mining and processing of up to 25,000 tonnes of mineralized rock (“ore”) from the existing underground mine, and the construction of supporting surface and underground infrastructure within the 8.70 hectare Mining Lease. The EMA effluent discharge amendment requests the maximum rate of effluent discharge from the Goldwedge Mine to be increased from 500 m3/day, to 2,000 m3/day, located 56.4847, -130.2079. The characteristics of the proposed effluent discharge are as follows: sulphate 900 mg/L, dissolved antimony (III) 0.02 mg/L, dissolved arsenic 0.02 mg/L, dissolved cadmium 0.0003 mg/L, dissolved chromium 0.01 mg/L, dissolved cobalt 0.01 mg/L, dissolved copper 0.001 mg/L, dissolved mercury 0.00005 mg/L, dissolved selenium 0.003 mg/L, dissolved uranium 0.0085 mg/L, dissolved zinc 0.08 mg/L, ammonia-N 3.0 mg/L, nitrate-N 6.0 mg/L, nitrite-N 0.2 mg/L, total suspended solids (TSS) 25 mg/L, pH 6.5 to 9.0. The type(s) of treatment to be applied to the discharge is/are: a coagulant/flocculant/lime treatment system for effluent prior to discharge release.
Any person affected by or interested in this program has 30 days after the last date of publishing to make written representation to the Chief Inspector of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, c/o Rosanna Breiddal (MMO) at PO Box 9320 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 9N3 or via email at Rosanna.breiddal@gov.bc.ca. A copy of the permit application and supporting appendices can be access online at (https://mines.nrs.gov.bc.ca/p/6581f71e18456f001bc7a3c4/docs). The identity of any respondents and the contents of anything submitted in relation to this application will become part of the public record.
Dated this 23rd day of January, 2024.
Contact Person: Justin Lewis
Email: justin@goldwedgemines.ca