Please be advised that Canada Resurgence Developments Ltd. has published a FOM which will be publicly available for review and comment. FOM 1334 depicts the locations where harvesting and/or road construction may occur.
The public may access and review the map the following ways during the period of April 18 to May 18
• In person at Fortec Consulting, located at 201-3005 Kalum St, Terrace, BC during the normal operating hours of 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday-Friday, and by appointment.
• Online at
Public review and comment begins on April 18 and ends May 18. Those wishing to submit comments may do so the following ways:
• By personal delivery at the physical address identified above, during normal operating hours, by appointment.
• By mail, c/o Jamie Crawford, RPF, Canada Resurgence Developments Ltd., PO Box 491, Stn Main, Terrace, BC V8G 4B5.
• By email at
• Or, by accessing the FOM website listed above and providing comments Online:
This notice is applicable to the Forest License A16884 – Nass Timber Supply Area project(s). Canada Resurgence Developments Ltd. may rely upon these maps for 3 years commencing on May 18, 2024 for the purpose of applying for a cutting permit, or for a road permit.