Prince Rupert RCMP Const. Brody Hemrich is throwing down the gauntlet to Kitimat and Terrace RCMP officers as well as West Coast Marine RCMP to act as bravely as he did by completing a polar plunge raising money for the BC Special Olympics.
On Jan. 8, Hemrich heroed the bold and cold cause by leaping into the frigid 5.1 C water of Seal Cove to draw attention to fundraising efforts for the campaign, which plunges from Feb. 18 to March 5.
The Prince Rupert RCMP is proud to take a “plunge” into fundraising efforts with the local chapter of Special Olympics BC with team Prince Rupert Surfin Serpents.
The Polar Plunge campaign helps raise funds for Special Olympics BC and the programs they run. Programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities include: sport, youth and health programs which help empower participants, teach them life skills and have fun.
“Being invited to join in this event meant a lot to me,” Hemrich said. “The work Special Olympics BC does with its athletes is incredible, they provide opportunities for their participants to experience the joys and excitement of sport.
“For me, sports have been such a huge part of my life, I know how large an impact participation in sport can have in someone’s life,” said Hemrich, who is number 61 on the Rupert Rampage CIHL Hockey team.
The police officer, who at the moment is taking on the challenge single-handedly, has worked with the Special Olympics previously in the capacity of helping athletes and attending events.
“I also was involved in a program called Challenger Baseball where I volunteered with my friend Jasmine Webster who is the Special Olympics BC Community Development Coordinator for the North District. She was a driving force behind me getting involved with Special Olympics again, she is also one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.”
A video of Hemrich’s plunge is available on the Prince Rupert RCMP’s Facebook page. Due to his impending plunge into the water he forgot to challenge the West Coast Marine RCMP unit to also take the plunge for this great cause.
Anyone can join the cause individually or as a team and is encouraged to have fun, wear costumes and be creative in plunging. Joining an event is easy: Register at the BC Special Olympics Polar Plunge website and ‘Funraise’, #Plunge4SOBC, Share.
To donate to Prince Rupert’s chapter of the Special Olympic BC fundraiser please visit: SOBC - Prince Rupert Surfin Serpents page
K-J Millar | Editor and Multimedia Journalist
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