LAST NIGHT marked the final meeting of this city council's term and three outgoing councillors expressed gratitude and said their goodbyes.
Outgoing Terrace councillors Brad Pollard, Bruce Martindale and Carol Leclerc each took a turn to reflect on their time spent serving the city of Terrace.
November 28th marked Martindale's final meeting after three years on council, Pollard's last in six, and the end of Leclerc's 9 years.
"I really want to thank each and everyone of you for your time and dedication and passion throughout the terms," said returning mayor Dave Pernarowski near the meeting's end, as he opened the floor for comments to those leaving council.
Outgoing councillor Leclerc spoke first, giving a heart-felt reminiscence of the city's achievements, challenges and many changes throughout the course of her service.
"These changes are not only because of council, but because of our industries and our volunteers and our businesses and our local government," she said. "I've met so many wonderful people as community liaison for the city, to all of them, your service is invaluable."
"Council gets to be like family."
Pollard spoke next.
"The support I've got has been remarkable, not always agreeable, but it's always been there," he said of his time spent with fellow councillors.
"It was interesting to hear some of the accomplishments that have happened over the last six years," he said. "When you're imbedded in it, it doesn't seem like anything's happening... but looking back over the last six years, a lot has been done."
"I'm very proud of being part of this council and actually having the opportunity to contribute in the way I have."
Councillor Martindale spoke last.
"I can only say that the last three years have been incredible," said Martindale. "It's opened up ideas and thoughts that I never understood were even there."
When you get on council and see the various varies people that are out there really running the city it is astounding," he said, adding he hopes to join council again in the future.
"I hate to say it folks but I'm not done," he said, adding that he thinks with the incoming council that the city is in good hands.
Martindale did not run for a city councillor seat during this year's elections, chosing instead to run for mayor.
He came second with 630 votes behind returning mayor Dave Pernarowski who received 1211 votes.
Pollard chose not to run again for city council, opting instead to try for a spot with the Regional District of Kitimat Stikine.
He came second in electoral area C with 97 votes behind Doug McLeod who received 148.
Carol Leclerc chose not to run for any seat this term, formerly announcing she plans to spend her new free time focussing on health and wellness.
In their place, Marylin Davies, defeated in 2008 and returned this time, and newcomers James Cordeiro and Stacey Tyers will be sworn in next Monday.