With general election day approaching on Oct. 15, all three candidates for the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine Area C director position made their pitch to voters in 100 words or less.
Electoral area C includes the following communities: Brauns Island, Butedale, Chimdemash, Copperside, Dutch Valley, Gitaus, Gossan, Jackpine Flats, Kemano, Kitasoo/Klemtu, Kitamaat Village, Kitsumkalum, Kleanza, Lakelse Lake, New Remo, North Terrace, Old Remo, Rosswood and Usk.
Here are your candidates foir those areas in alphabetical order:
Bruce Bidgood

I am Bruce Bidgood (PhD) and I am running for re-election in Area C of the RDKS. I am proud of what we have accomplished together over the past four years including: building the new Mills hospital, approval for two new fire halls (Lakelse, North Terrace), $150 million for the Northwest B.C. Resource Benefits Alliance.
There is still much more to do in providing the services that folks want and are willing to pay for. I believe that my dozen years of elected experience and leadership can help make these things a reality for Area C.
Martin Holzbauer
(also running for a councillor position in the City of Terrace)

Area C is a large area to represent and because of that has different challenges for the different parts of Area C. If the people of Area C choose to elect me to represent them, I will work hard to put forward their wishes, concerns to the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine board.
As a public servant for the area, representing various concerns and wishes to the board in light of all the current challenges people face these days, means also working together with all the other members of the board, RDKS staff as well as provincial, federal departments and officials.
Gill McKean

I moved to Terrace 28 years ago after a severe logging accident and began looking for a lifestyle career. Guiding was brought to my attention by a childhood friend.
I rolled into Terrace with an old pickup truck with a $400 leaky camper, ambitious and ready to guide not even knowing if I had a full time position at Northwest Fishing Guides.
Time has flown by since I fell in love with Terrace and the hard working people. I am running to bring the hard working residents’ voices to RDKS as we work toward solutions for the greater good.
General Voting will be held on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the following locations:
- Northwest Trades & Employment Training Centre, 3120 Highway 16 East, Thornhill
- Terrace Sportsplex Banquet Room, 3320 Kalum St., Terrace
- Rosswood Community Hall, 4145 Kalum Lake Dr., Rosswood
- Haisla Nation Council, 500 Gitksan, Haisla, B.C.
Advance Voting opportunity for Electoral Area C will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 5 & 12, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.:
- Terrace Sportsplex Multipurpose Room, 3320 Kalum St., Terrace
READ MORE: Notice of election by voting: Regional District Kitimat-Stikine
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