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Little Ave. troubles occupy police officers

HERE ARE incidents requiring the presence of Terrace RCMP officers from 8 nam Nov. 25 to 8 am Nov. 28.

HERE ARE incidents requiring the presence of Terrace RCMP officers from 8 nam Nov. 25 to 8 am Nov. 28.


Downtown Terrace

- two different reports of intoxicated men on Lakelse Ave. Checks were done of area.

- man arrested for public intoxication on Lakelse Ave.

- marijuana was seized from a man on Lakelse Ave. He was issued a municipal violation ticket.

Elsewhere Terrace

- a man was arrested under a Mental Health Act Director’s warrant and transported to the hospital.

- abandoned wheelchair on Mcconnell Ave. Police returned it to the Park Ave Health Clinic.

- a woman was reported missing from a residence on Tetrault St. She returned on her own accord.

- Theft of gas. A man in a black pickup paid for $10 of gas at Copperside. He was able to put in over $60 of gas due to a clerical error. He left without paying the difference.

- loud party on Sparks Ave. It was shut down

- loud party on Pear St. It was shut down.

- 911 call from Davis Ave. The woman was confused and disoriented. Police advised her to call if she required further assistance.

- well being check of a woman on Keefer St. Police made the decision to enter the residence by force. The residence was empty. The woman was in Smithers. Upon her return police spoke with her.

- police assisted a landlord with a tenancy issue.

- family dispute matter involving harrassment by texting and also involving landlord/tenancy issues.

- intoxicated man on Walsh Ave. Checks were done of area.

- domestic dispute on Pear St. A man was arrested for assault. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.

- false business alarm on Kalum St. Police were notified it was false prior to attending.

- a suicidal woman was apprehended under the Mental Health Act and transported to Mills Memorial Hospital. She later left the hospital. Police located and arrested her under a Mental Health Act Director’s Warrant and transported her to Mills Memorial Hospital.

- a tree blocking Agar Ave. The City of Terrace was advised.

- false business alarm on Eby St

- several trees down on Caledonia St and Lambly Ave. The City of Terrace was advised.

- intoxicated man throwing snowballs at houses on Loen Ave. Checks were done of area.

- a tree on a power line on Dairy Ave. Police located the tree was located and it was spoken with, no harm was intended, it was just hanging around. BC Hydro was notified and made the tree a priority.

- verbal domestic dispute on Little Ave.

- loud party on Hwy 16 West. It was shut down

- a man sleeping under some stairs on Scott Ave. He was checked.

- false business alarm on Keith Ave

- false business alarm on Walsh Ave

- theft from a vehicle parked on Haugland Ave. A wallet was stolen.

- report of three boys throwing snowballs at vehicles on Halliwell Ave. One of the boys from a residence on Halliwell had to shovel driveways on Halliwell as a consequence of this behavior.

- theft from an unlocked vehicle on Weber Ave.

- black bear on a porch on Twedle Ave.

- domestic dispute in the parking lot of Canadian Tire. Under investigation.

- An 18 yr old man was breaking windows on Little Ave. He was arrested for mischief and breaching his undertaking condition of to abstain from the consumption of alcohol. Charges are being forwarded to Crown Counsel.



- report of an unlicenced driver driving a 2004 Freightliner. Checks were done of area.

- motor vehicle accident at the four way stop on Hwy 16 / 37. A sheriff’s van parked at the stop sign was rear ended by a grey 2004 Ford Windstar. Damage was minimal, none to the sheriff’s van.

- false 911 cell call

- vehicle slid off the road on Hwy 16 East. Police attended and no one was there. The driver called later to say that there was no damage and he was able to get out on his own and go to work.

- break and enter to a house on Cottonwood Cr sometime during the early night of the 26th. A gym bag left by the door was stolen, medication was inside of the bag.


- 14 yr old girl reported missing. Police attended a residence on Muller Ave in attempts to locate her. A male was arrested at this residence for possession of marijuana. Charges are not being forwarded. The girl was not located inside of the residence. The girl was later reported to be with her sister, and that everything was ok.

- downed power lines on Clore Ave. BC Hydro attended and police assisted with traffic control.

- report of a person talking on a cell phone in a green 1999 Pontiac Grand AM. Checks were done of area.

- shots fired in the area of Hwy 16 East. Conservation contacted police and informed they had fired two shots in that area.




- single vehicle motor vehicle accident on Hwy 37 near Williams Creek. The vehicle was towed. No injuries.

- a wallet was found on Mcconnell Ave. It was returned to its owner.

- report of traffic concern due to bad roads on Beam Station Rd.

- report of a prohibited driver who continually drives

- black bear attempting to climb into a residence thru the windows on Williams Creek Ave. Police attended till Conservation arrived.



- two different uttering threats investigations.

- tree on power line on Spokeshute St. BC hydro notified.



- intoxicated family dispute on Tsunyow St. A criminal offence had not occurred. Police discussed different courses of action to take.





People with information on crime are asked to contact the Terrace RCMP at (250)638-7400 or anonymously through  Crime Stoppers by telephone at 1-800-222-TIPS. Or a Tip can be left anonymously online at






- an intoxicated man was observed trying to fight people outside of the Spirit Night Club. He did not follow direction from police to leave the area. He was arrested for public intoxication.

- a Caucasian man in a blue hoodie followed a woman from the bar and harassed her. She went in to the Husky gas station, and the man ran away. Staff at the Husky assisted police in identifying the man, and he was located and arrested for public intoxication a block away.

- three people were observed standing near the drive thru at McDonald’s. These same people were intoxicated and causing problems for staff at Denny’s earlier that night. Upon questioning, an intoxicated man became very agitated and used profanity at the police. He was arrested for public intoxication.

- verbal domestic dispute at a residence on Lazelle Ave.

- youth throwing snowballs at cars on Lanfear Hill.

- a man and a woman refused to leave the laundromat on Lazelle Ave. The left on their own accord. Checks were done of area.

- man and woman intoxicated near Checker’s Pizza. Checks were done of area.

- man and woman intoxicated sleeping in the laundromat on Lazelle Ave. Police transported them to the damp shelter on Hall St.

- fight in the middle of Lazelle Ave. One man, one 13 yr old boy, and one 13 yr old girl were located. The man was arrested for breaching his curfew, the girl was arrested for public intoxication. Still under investigation.


- police attended to a party on Little Ave. A woman punched another women because she felt ripped off from their joint purchase of drugs. A man was arrested for public intoxication. Another intoxicated man was arrested for mischief by refusing to leave the residence when requested. A woman was transported to hospital at her request. Charges are not being forwarded.

- a man was arrested for public intoxication on Kalum St

- a 13 yr old girl attempted to leave her residence contrary to a parental grounding. The father grabbed the girl and forced her back into the residence. Use of force was deemed to be appropriate for the circumstance and this was determined not to be a criminal matter.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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