Over the past 24 hours these are some of the events Terrace RCMP responded to:
Downtown Terrace
- assist ambulance with suicidal female.
- male was arrested for public intoxication.
- glass of a local business was broken.
Elsewhere in Terrace
- noise complaint.
- suspicious noise.
- a two year old girl was returned to her parents.
- verbal argument between a male and female.
- on the night of Sept 17/18, a black Lazer mountain bike was stolen from an address on Keith Ave.
- a female wandered away from Seven Sister’s. She later returned.
- assist another detachment with locating a possible missing hunter.
- assist ambulance with suicidal male.
- report of missing male, who showed up later the same day.
- domestic dispute, assist, no parties arrested.
- male was arrested for uttering threats in connection with a domestic dispute.
- complaint was received of a dune buggy on Penner St.
- a male was issued a 90 day IRP and had is vehicle towed.
- residential false alarm.
- fight at the Tempo gas station, two female youths were arrested for assault.