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Bench property sold

Home built by Kerby family in 1957 sits on land recently sold to Vancouver development company.
The Kerby family property on the Bench overlooking the city has been sold.

The last remaining large, open piece of property on the part of the bench with an open view of the Skeena Valley was sold recently to a numbered Vancouver development company.

A home located on the 3725 Thomas St. property, which overlooks the road climbing up Lanfear Hill was built by Mamie and Fred Kerby in 1957.

"It was over 5.2 acres of private view property, so the house may be taken down," said family friend and realtor Rusty Ljungh who was the listing agent.

She said the selling price for the land wasn't far off of the $1.5 million asking price.

"It was valuable to the family and it was built by the family in 1957, and the Kerby family are very honoured people," said Ljungh.

The family is known for its contributions to the community, including donating land to the city and part of the group which founded Heritage Park.

The property used to contain a hobby farm.

Increased economic activity in the region has increased the need for new housing and several subdivisions have been or are being developed.

According to the city, this land is to be rezoned to R1 residential from its AR2 agricultural designation.

"It will be up to the owner to determine if they want to apply for rezoning in future," said city spokesperson Alisa Thompson.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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