WE'VE JUST had one of the more successful years in a long time. And we're continuing on a roll. (Rock (as in curling) and roll.
Deadline for entries to Branch 13's 2012 curling bonspiel is Jan 25. Curling Jan. 27 to 29. Ladies, members and non-members welcome. Call Mary Ann Burdett 8-1827 or email to mburdett@telus.net. There is an entry fee per rink.
Branch 13 would be remiss if it didn't express its heartfelt thank you to those individuals and businesses that so generously contributed to the success of Grey Cup weekend and Choir Night.
The Terrace Legion has had a busy last few months. First, the Grey Cup weekend in November, which included an auction and the big game itself. Angelic (and some not-quite-angelic but enthusiastic) voices were heard at the Legion's third annual Choir Night in December. December 31/January 1 saw a crowd ring in the New Year. Some very nice comments from that crowd, with many saying it was the best New Year's Eve they'd enjoyed in a long time.
They'll be back next year with their families and friends. A nice crowd, good food, great music and the usual hardworking bar staff all lent themselves to a wonderful way to welcome the 2012 Legion Year.
Members and bonafide guests are always welcome at the branch located, appropriately enough, on Legion Avenue, just off Lakelse.
We continue with our weekly meat draws on Saturdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. And our first Friday of the month steak suppers, with all the trimmings, continue to draw large crowds.