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Where do the Christians and believers fit in?

Is the city telling Christians there is no room for them in Terrace? asks letter writer
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I am at a lost as to why His Worship Mayor Sean Bujtas would be following the guidance of the BC Humanist Association. Their message “ The provincial charity that provides a home for the atheist, humanists and all non-religious of BC”. Where do the Christians and believers fit in?

As a citizen of Terrace for over 50 years I cannot recall one single charitable endeavour provided by the BC Humanist Association. However, the Knights of Columbus have been a strong community organization providing help to many charitable needs within our community. It is my understanding that they are one of the largest contributors to the Churches Food Bank, the Terrace Music Festival and many other charities within the community.

Is the city council and the city staff trying to tell the Christian people of Terrace that there is no room for them. The nativity scene is a historical Christmas event as long as I lived in Terrace. It’s been a fixture during the Christmas season reminding us peace and goodwill, yet now as one segment of society is unhappy, we’re all expected to accommodate. No one is asking them to believe or even raise their eyes to view it.

Should the council and city staff believe they’re on the right course, then I would think that they would be in favour of relinquishing their holiday pay for Christmas, which is Christ’s birth, and Good Friday, which is his death. I will not go into the error of their reasoning as André Carrel explained it perfectly already.


Catherine Lindseth,

Terrace, B.C.

READ MORE: CARREL: City’s errors in nativity scene ban reasoning


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