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Today's events rooted in the past

Dear Sir: The recent Egyptian revolution is so new we’ve never seen anything like it in history. Yet scripture has much to say about it.

Dear Sir:

The recent Egyptian revolution is so new we’ve never seen anything like it in history. Yet scripture has much to say about it.

A.E. Bloomfield, a prophecy scholar, said in 1961 that Egypt would one day rise to power and become the economic engine for African states, especially Northern Africa.

Under this new Egypt there will be so many Jews living there that five cities will speak hebrew (Isaiah 19:18).

News pundits are saying the Middle East economies are so entwined Egypt could become what Germany is to the European Union (EU) Egypt will become a stumbling block to the EU’s plans to become the revised world order, the Holy Roman Empire.

A man named Michael will become Europe’s warlord who will subdue the Middle East by revising the ancient Assyrian Empire, which excluded Israel.

Michael, the so-called Antichrist, will form a covenant with Egypt but this duplicitous person will use Libya and Ethiopia in a squeeze-play against it.

Just as he will  later conquer Russia (just prior to Armageddon) so he razed Egypt so that it is uninhabitable for 40 years, to be restored in the Kingdom Age.

Since Iraq was part of the Assyrian Empire the fabled city of Babylon will be restored under Michael, but when it is destroyed it will be uninhabitable forever. (Jeremiah 50 – 51).

Europe will be controlled by the false prophet; the infamous anti-pope, Peter Romano.

His use of the name “Peter” denotes his aspirations for the New Age breakaway from biblical Christianity. Hence so many incorrect versions now.

Brian Gregg,

Terrace, B.C.