Kitwancool Nass Forest Products Inc. / Northcrest Forest Management
Please be advised that Kitwancool Nass Forest Products Inc. / Northcrest Forest Management (FL A96100) has published a Forest Operations Map (FOM), which will be publicly available for review and comment. FOM #1530 depicts the locations where harvesting and road construction may occur.
The public may access and review the map in the following ways during the period of May 23 to June 22:
• In-person at Fortec Consulting, located at 201-3005 Kalum St, Terrace, BC, during the regular operating hours of 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday, or by appointment.
• Online at
Public review and comment begin on May 23, 2024 and end on June 22, 2024. Those wishing to submit comments may do so in the following ways:
• By personal delivery at the physical address identified above, during regular operating hours, and by appointment.
• By mail, c/o Jamie Crawford, PO Box 491, Stn Main, Terrace, BC V8G 4B5.
• By email at
• Or, by accessing the FOM website listed above and providing comments Online:
This notice applies to the Forest License A96100 Area project(s). Kitwancool Nass Forest Products Inc. / Northcrest Forest Management may rely upon these maps for three years commencing on June 22, 2024 to apply for a cutting permit or a road permit.