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More singles, couples using food bank here

THE JANUARY Terrace Churches Food Bank held steady in client numbers and food bags compared to last January with the exception of an increase in singles and couples.
Nathan Cullen Cullen says ‘no’ to leader race

Nathan Cullen Cullen says ‘no’ to leader race

SKEENA - BULKLEY MP Nathan Cullen has turned down the prospect of running for the provincial NDP leadership.

Liberals growing

PROVINCIAL Liberal party membership in the Skeena riding has passed the 400 mark and is still climbing, says the president of the party’s constituency association.

Chemicals banned in plastic toys

SIX MEMBERS of the phthalates toxic chemical additive family will be banned as of June from being used in certain children’s toys.
Fatal blaze likely caused by smoking materials

Fatal blaze likely caused by smoking materials

CARELESS USE of smoking materials is believed to have ignited a fire that claimed two lives in a townhouse complex Jan. 15.
Heed risks losing seat over election expenses

Heed risks losing seat over election expenses

Groups seek city help after gaming grants cut

With provincial cutbacks and groups losing gaming grant money, the city has been faced with increased requests for financial aid.

Dogs maul girl

ONE DOG was destroyed last week and another one is to suffer the same fate after they attacked and injured a child to the extent she required surgery.

Gas rate hike trimmed back

PACIFIC NORTHERN Gas (PNG) has lowered its planned rate increase for this year.

Ksan and Anti-Poverty working together