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Child chases child with crib rail

HERE IS a look at what Terrace RCMP responded to from March 28 8 a.m. to March 29 8 a.m.

Terrace Mayor tops 2011 campaign spending

Mayor Dave Pernarowski also received the most contributions from others for his campaign.

Coast Mountains School District looks at longer break

The Coast Mountains school district will be asking the public what it thinks about adopting a two-week spring break for next school year.

Terrace woman calls police to relay telepathic message

HERE ARE the incidents police attended to in the last 24 hours:

A hearing into NWCC layoff notices finished today

A Labour Relations Board hearing into layoff notices issued to some Northwest Community College staff ended today.

Dutch Valley needs flood protection: residents

DUTCH VALLEY residents demanded an answer from the regional district tonight about flooding control in their area.

Terrace grandparent lobbies for more StrongStart

A local grandfather is gathering signatures to support another StrongStart program in Terrace and Thornhill.

Terrace council turns down chamber tax request

Last night, Terrace city council voted against freezing tax mill rates and appointing a task force or committee to advise tax policy.

Society works on a plan to shape up downtown

A Terrace society has formed that is now planning to spruce up and promote the downtown district.

Local MP places third for the top NDP spot

Third place is still a victory for Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen says local NDP president