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Terrace population inches up

The city's population grew by an extremely moderate 1.5 per cent, indicates census data released today.

Room taxation renewal urged

More support from local hotels and motels is needed to renew an accommodation tax used to promote tourism in the area.

Pay reductions not being entertained

IT’S NOT surprising that Northwest Community College and its unionized workers aren’t agreeing with the college deficit.

Terrace lawyer appointed to the bench

ONE OF Terrace's local lawyers has been appointed to the bench, albeit not here.

Province promising action on jobs plan

THE PILOT open house for the provincial government’s new jobs plan was here Jan. 30.

Man, lying on road, arrested for impaired driving

HERE ARE the incidents requiring the presence of RCMP officers over the past 24 hours.
Council debates access policy

Council debates access policy

CITY COUNCIL rejected the first draft of a policy to hold city events in wheelchair accessible venues “whenever possible.”
College cuts: layoffs happening to restore college's financial health

College cuts: layoffs happening to restore college's financial health

IF NORTHWEST Community College was a business, chances are it would have already slid into bankruptcy protection.

Window smashed on Park Ave.

Here are some of the incidents attended to by Terrace RCMP over the past weekend.

City looking for people to decide Co-op future

THE CITY is looking for four local residents to help decide the future of the former Terrace Co-op property on Greig Ave.