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Preschool program instills pride in Aboriginal heritage

Kermode Aboriginal Head Start Program aids in an easier transition to Kindergarten
Give your child a head start with the Kermode Aboriginal Head Start program.

The Kermode Aboriginal Head Start Program is a preschool program designed for children ages three to five of Aboriginal descent. The program is one of twelve Urban Aboriginal Head Start Programs in B.C. The primary focus is to provide services for children and their families to support early childhood development and instill pride in their Aboriginal heritage. One of Kermode’s primary goals is bringing children to the school readiness stage in order to help ensure an easier transition into Kindergarten.

Kermode’s program focuses on the Six Components of Aboriginal Head Start and includes these components in their every day curriculum, activity planning and implementation. 

The Six Components include:

  1. Culture and language 
  2. Education and school readiness 
  3. Health promotion 
  4. Nutrition 
  5. Social support 
  6. Parent, Elder and family involvement 

​Parent, elder and family involvement is the main factor to making the Kermode program a success. They believe that parents are their child’s primary teachers and strongly encourage them to be a part of the program.

​Staff for the program includes: A Program Manager, an ECE Floor Supervisor, two ECE Staff, Bus driver/Maintenance and a Cook. The program operates from September to June of each year.

Kermode reopens Sept. 16, 2024. For more information or to register, please email Tracy at


More about the Kermode Friendship Society 

The Kermode Friendship Centre was initially created in 1972. It was then called the "Native Resource Centre" and was operated by Local 118 of the British Columbia Association of Non-Status Indians (BCANSI). The Kermode Friendship Society was formed and incorporated in 1976. Founding members included Willard Seymour, Rose and Gerald Bazil, Vi Gellenbeck, Lance Stevens, Pearl Campbell and Francis Sabine.

The Kermode Friendship Society offers culturally sensitive, quality programs and services to Aboriginal community members and the community-at-large in the Terrace area. Their commitment is to encourage self-sufficiency, respect of individuality and to promote cultural diversity among all residents of the area.

​The Kermode Friendship Society is represented by their Board of Directors; Who gratefully acknowledge and thank the Kitselas Nation and Kitsumkalum Nation in Terrace and the Haisla Nation in Kitimat Village for allowing the Kermode Friendship Society to operate in their respective Traditional Territory.

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