An accessible parking lot will be built for the Terrace Public Library by the end of summer 2025.
The lot, which will include two accessible and three regular parking stalls, will be west of the main building. The pathway to the George Little Park band stand will also be paved.
Molly Maureen, a resident of Terrace whose son has disabilities, supports the City's decision.
"This is fantastic. My son has disabilities and finding a good spot for the library hasn't always been easy or accessible friendly," she said.
The first part of the project may start as early as this week, shared the City of Terrace on their Facebook page. This work will include trimming and removing some trees to make way for the lots.
Commenters on the City's Facebook page shared concerns about losing green space in the park.
"We share your love of the green space and trees," wrote the City in response. "Staff do all they can to maintain and preserve healthy trees, and the same number or more new trees will be planted to replace those removed."