To the editor:
According to Environment Canada it started to snow at 8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 29 and by late Saturday we had 31 centimetres which, for long time residents, is an average snowfall.
That snowfall was forecast. So why was there a lack of snow clearing. I am not talking about
side streets, they get done last, but Highway 16.
Does our highways maintenance contractor and its staff not keep track of the forecast and plan accordingly? Did contractors
in the past not take preventative measure before it snowed, such as sanding prior to a snowfall?
What would happen if we would get a 100 centimetres of snow? I remember seeing snowplows out in the past before and
during a snowstorm, not way after it happened and then seeing the same street, roads done three times in the same day.
Or could it be as simple as Mother Nature and snowfalls need to be scheduled for during daytime hours and weekdays to fit the schedule of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday?
Martin Holzbauer,
Thornhill, B.C.