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To the editor:

With the B.C. election slated for Oct. 19, 2024, a number of
Independents are running.

B.C. has a long history of electing independents, both provincially and federally. Provincially, Mary
Ellen Smith was elected in 1918, and Vicki Huntington was elected in 2009 and re-elected in

Federally we have had Chuck Cadman, elected in 2004. He passed away in
2005. Jody Wilson-Raybold was elected in 2019.

Perhaps we need more independent candidates elected simply for the reason that they care more
about the people who vote for them.

The main parties have become more beholden to business and other interests instead of representing everyday citizens. Who represents the general public?
To quote Taylor Swift, " Do your research and vote accordingly."

Martin Holzbauer,
Thornhill B.C.