To the editor:
I would like to respond to Al Lehmann's column, "Health care? Better get out your wallet", in the Oct. 10, 2024 issue of The Terrace Standard and also on line at
Mr. Lehmann fails to mention some important truths and instead fear-mongered nonsense to our community.
As a former student of his, I’m surprised he’s taken such a closed door and anti-innovative view. “Get out your wallet”? Our wallets are already out and exposed to left-wing politicians ready to dump our money into a broken, inefficient and 20th century style healthcare system leaving leaves millions of Canadians without a doctor.
I applaud the healthcare professionals who have taken private contracts and want to see changes to this archaic system. In short, Al, I say it is time we put away our wallets.
Terry McRobb,
Terrace, B.C.