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Seniors should get waste collection discount

Seniors should get waste collection discount

No answers on Thornhill garbage collection, says letter writer
Save money and lives by driving electric

Save money and lives by driving electric

Inflation and healthcare costs go hand-in-hand, says letter writer
Waste less pay less: Thornhill needs fee-for-service waste collection

Waste less pay less: Thornhill needs fee-for-service waste collection

We’re doing more than just ‘our part’, says letter writer
Farming disappears as exceptions made to land use rules

Farming disappears as exceptions made to land use rules

Heli-skiing business doesn’t belong in the heart of farm land, says letter writer
Public kept in the dark by regional district

Public kept in the dark by regional district

RDKS should be transparent if they want people to vote, says letter writer
Is the regional district hiding something?

Is the regional district hiding something?

Why wasn’t an RDKS public hearing public ? letter writer asks
Even if it’s legal, selling pot harms society

Even if it’s legal, selling pot harms society

Remove the drug market and those who represent it, says letter writer
Electric vehicles: Let’s look at the facts and data

Electric vehicles: Let’s look at the facts and data

Letter writer compares battery electric vehicle with internal combustion engine
Signs needed to support Thornhill businesses

Signs needed to support Thornhill businesses

Letter writer says there’s a plan to divert traffic to Terrace
‘High end heli-ski resort for the super rich’ threatens local farms

‘High end heli-ski resort for the super rich’ threatens local farms

Proposed Old Remo heli-ski operation threatens local food security, says letter writer.