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Students speak out on street corner

SEVERAL STUDENTS from Ecole Jack Cook make their feelings known about a Ugandan guerrilla leader accused of crimes against humanity.

SEVERAL STUDENTS from Ecole Jack Cook made their feelings known on posters denouncing an African guerrilla leader and his atrocities last week.

Small groups of students showed off their brightly coloured posters at the corner of Sparks St. and Lakelse Ave. April 20 to raise awareness about Joseph Kony, made well known through a You Tube video made by a group who wants him to be apprehended.

Kony is a Ugandan guerrilla group leader accused of turning children into child soldiers among other crimes.

Students made up their posters and did a power point presentation to three other schools to promote the video, Kony 2012.

Despite the controversy surrounding the video, its timing and the person who made it, the students believed it was something worthwhile for them to do.

“Madame, we think it's important,” said school principal Renee Syvret about why students wanted to do something to raise awareness.

“Their goal is to educate the general populace. The more who know, the quicker he will be brought to justice.”