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Bill Hunter

You may have seen this man walking around town over the past several decades

THIS MIGHT help you recognize Bill Hunter – if someone were to make a movie of his life, actor Donald Sutherland could play the leading role.

Tall and gaunt with longish grey hair and beard, sometimes looking like he needed a good meal, Mr. Hunter was most visible as one of this community’s walkers.

Regardless of the season, good weather or bad,   Mr. Hunter would be wearing a winter coat while out and about.

He never spoke much and social interaction was never his strong suit. You see, Mr. Hunter was one of those people who never fit in with the rest of society, preferring for reasons best known only to himself to keep his own counsel.

Mr. Hunter passed away Feb. 16 at the age of 68.

His last years were spent in his own residence, no mean feat for a person such as Mr. Hunter.

But that residence provided him not only accommodation, but a secure base from which he could venture forth for everyday tasks.

There are a lot of Mr. Hunters out there, people of varying degrees of abilities and capabilities and troubles.

It goes without saying that clean, affordable and secure housing is the starting point for progress in society for the most vulnerable among us.

It benefitted Mr. Hunter in his latter years and there’s every reason to suggest it will work for others, too.